Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a unique and comprehensive form of primary health care which integrates modern science with the art of natural medicine.

Naturopathic Doctors are licensed health care professionals who have completed eight years of post-secondary education. Using investigative methods such as detailed health history questioning, physical exams and laboratory testing, Naturopathic Doctors assess the health of their clients and partner with them and their medical doctor to achieve an optimum state of wellness.


Guiding Principles

Naturopathic Doctors recognize the powerful and inherent healing ability of the person and support these intelligent natural processes with an individualized treatment plan.

First do no harm

Naturopathic doctors use substances and therapies that are safe and effective without the risk of harmful side effects to avoid the suppression of symptoms. In working with their patients, Naturopathic Doctors acknowledge and respect each person’s healing process to support them in achieving their health and wellness goals.

The healing power of nature

Naturopathic Doctors recognize the powerful and inherent healing ability of the person and support these intelligent natural processes with an individualized treatment plan. Naturopathic Doctors assist patients with recognizing and removing obstacles to healing in order to promote an optimal state of health.

Identify and treat the cause

Naturopathic Doctors explore and analyze the various factors affecting health and the body’s expression of symptoms. Symptoms are viewed as the body’s way of communicating its imbalance. The factors and symptoms together direct the patient to an underlying issue that needs to be addressed and healed in order to return to a state of balance.

Treat the whole person

Naturopathic Medicine offers patients individualized care based on their unique needs. Naturopathic Doctors carefully evaluate the relationships between a person’s physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and spiritual factors and how these influence the overall health of the whole person.

Doctor as teacher

Naturopathic Doctors strive to empower their patients with knowledge and understanding of health and illness. Naturopathic Doctors form partnerships with their patients to create successful treatment options. The understanding and awareness of how various factors influence a person’s state of health and wellness is the first step to the healing journey.

Disease prevention and health promotion

Naturopathic Doctors view health as a continuum between wellness and illness. They assess the risk factors for illness and prescribe proactive interventions in order to maintain wellness and prevent potential illness in the future. Health is not just the absence of disease; it is maintaining a state of wellness in all aspects of a person.